These are the names of the original 224 Charter members of VFW Post 5040. VFW Post 5040 was Chartered on March 4, 1946. The list below are all the Charter members in alphabetical order.
Dominic M. Amico
Salvatore Amico
William J. Asmus
Clarence R. Axelson
Gustave A. Axelson
Emil O. Bachman
George E. Baker
Charles A. Ballard
Erwin H. Bauman
Richard J. Beardsley
Max P. Behler
Robert W. Behler
Douglas T. Bennett
Edwin R. Bernadoni
Ralph K. Bernhardt
Walter E. Bernhardt
Kenneth W. Bertram
Edward L. Biel
Donald J. Blodgett
Charles M. Bochkus
Arthur Brewer
Henry Brown
Raymond T. Brown
Volney E. Brown
Edwin J. Buckley
Patrick F. Buckley
Nelson I. Bullis
George M. Burke
Saul Burton
Cloyd L. Butts
Martin Carlson
William M. Carroll
Lloyd V. Church
Robert W. Clark
Elmer C. Clausen
John E. Conway
Patrick E. Conway
Robert J. Conway
William C. Conway
Cornelius Cooney
James H. Cooney
Ray J. Cooney
Wesley D. Coonrad
Chester L. Cooper
Jack Cooper
Pete Cordek
Arthur J. Corey
Charles E. Corey
Leroy R. Corey
Daniel H. Desmond
Robert H. Diggins
Stuart K. Diggins
Orville S. Disbrow
Francis J. Dittberner
Edwin E. Dusthimer
Sam Dykstra
Duane W. Eckert
Floyd E. Eckert Jr.
Lester Edinger
Richard L. Edinger
Robert W. Edinger
James E. Farrell
Charles C. Fay
Joseph B. Fywicki
Louis H. Gehrke
Glen R. Gibson
Robert J. Glawe
Glenard Grimes
Leonard E. Grimes
Adolph J. Gross
Sterling L. Hacker
Walter O. Hanson
George A. Harding
Dave L. Harrington
Raymond J. Heniken
Carl L. Henning
Victor S. Hermanson
William J. Hinner
Edward W. Hipps
Maynard H. Hogan
George F. Hogberg Jr.
Earl M. Holm
Alvin E. Holtz
Matt Hosley
Richard E. Howell
Harold G. Huffman
Lyle L. Huffman
Kenneth P. Hunt
Richard D. Hurley
Harold R. Irwin
Thomas M. Jacobs
Alen A. Jankowski
Charles P. Jenner
Donald M. Johnson
Henning J. Johnson
Robert Johnson
James E. Jones
Andrew P. Jonsen
Robert C. Joorfetz
Benedict A. Kausal
James T. Keclik
Harold L. Kemerling
Frank L. Kennedy
John C. Kennedy
Wilbur E. Kiefer
Harold G. Knutson
Jim Koca
Vernon T. Kopsell
Robert A. Korslin
Harold V. Larson
Thomas A. Lauzon
Delbert J. Lee
Elwood Leveroos
Lester P. Liddell
James W. Lilja
Ben H. Lindgren
Louis C. Magliano
Albert R. Mansfield
Charles M. Mansfield
Harry E. Mansfield
William F. Mansfield
Walter H. Manske
A M. Maxwell
Edward E. Maxwell
Samuel A. Maxwell
Richard A. May
Earl B. McBroom
Robert K. McCoy
Roy D. Meiswinkel
Fred B. Merrill
Thomas B. Merwin
Alfred P. Messman
Harold J. Meyer
Jack R. Meyers
Robert H. Miles
Robert Miles
Clyde C. Miner
Dean F. Mishler
Eugene W. Mishler
Gerald N. Mungle
Clifton E. Murphy
Raymond A. Murphy
Elmer M. Musser
Bernard B. Neuchiller
Allen Nichols
Kenneth W. Noble
Harry E. O'Brien
Leonard D. O'Leary
William J. Padolski
Gerald F. Palmquist
Don L. Perkins
Roger R. Petterer
James J. Phelps
Charles L. Pierce
James R. Pierce
Calvin L. Poe
Nicholas Polizzi
Donald J. Powers
Auvergne B. Pratt
Charles Pratt
Jay T. Pratt
Loren J. Pulver
Richard M. Rabbitt
John J. Rainsford
Frederic W. Reese
Harold E. Reese
Robert J. Reynolds
Urban C. Riedl
James G. Rietheimer
David J. Riley
James R. Riley
James S. Robertson
Ben H. Rosenberg
James D. Rousey Jr.
Robert A. Sahs
Paul A. Schmidt
Walter F. Schmidt
William J. Schoepperle
Wiliam L. Scott
Elmer R. Secor
Walter E. Shepard
Caroll W. Sherburne
Elwood Sherwin
Bernard E. Shulfer
Walter C. Silliman
Thomas W. Sinkay
Lowell M. Slinde
Marvin J. Smith
Paul Smith Jr.
Raymond Soenksen
Lester C. Sohst
Oscar J. Sommer
William B. Stamets
Stanley H. Steadman
Edwin F. Steinwehe
Herbert C. Stolldorf
William J. Stone
George E. Sullivan
Matthew J. Tanzer
Joseph B. Thiede
William J. Thompson
William Thompson
Donald J. Thurow
William J. Tilicke
Arthur L. Tilstra
Charles R. Tryon
Robert L. Tuttle
Cecil C. Urch
Augustus W. Wagner
Clayton L. Wallis
Gordon R. Wallis
Milton P. Ward
Jack L. Wendt
Louis A. Wendt
Arthur E. Westerman
Lewis B. Wheeler
James C. Whiston
John W. Wideman
Julius Wien
Donald F. Wilkerson
Maynard M. Wilkerson
George H. Wilson
Raymond D. Woods
John J. Wurtzinger